Consumerism 1920s primary sources If the rate continues to increase, maybe after a while we won’t have to have any wars. " The BECOMING MODERN presents an expansive collection of primary sources designed to enhance classroom study of the 1920s—a brief but defining period in American history, perhaps the first that seems immediately recognizable to us in the 21st century. Secondary information often quotes primary data The 1920s marked a significant shift in fashion, culture, and societal norms, and at the forefront of this revolution was the iconic flapper dress. " Through these primary resources, place yourself in the temperament of the times as you study the Palmer Raids, Sacco and Vanzetti, the Ku Klux Klan, and the labor and immigration debates of the 1920s. For primary sources, click on Advanced Search and click in the Documents and/or Media Box. This primary source guide is organized into five sub-topics and each section contains a vast collection of primary source materials including historical documents, literary texts, and works May 11, 2021 · Consumerism in the 1920’s Using Evidence Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: Examine three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. Economy in the 1920s (Gene Smiley, Marquette University; Economic History Assn. The fervor to define "Red" and "American" led to a brief but traumatic period after World War One—the "Red Scare. Modern. New technology popularized more commercial forms of entertainment Radio broadcasting began in earnest in 1920, when Westinghouse launched the first programmed broadcast of a radio station. d. BECOMING MODERN: AMERICA IN THE 1920S PRIMARY SOURCE COLLECTION * A “chicken in every pot, and a car in every backyard. the Roaring Twenties, The Jazz Age Primary source materials may contain language or images that are considered to be Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy (American Memory, Library of Congress) The U. Objectives To introduce students to the importance of consumerism in the 1920s, when there was a shift from "inner-directed" to "outer-directed" ways of self-improvement. The 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote, a libe As the media grew in its ability to reach more households, the role of advertising increasingly changed into a vehicle through which Americans were introduced to all the modern con In the 1920s, American women had more jobs, gained the right to vote and revolutionized their societal roles. ” The slogan encouraged people to drink a Dr. The beginning of advertising agencies by the late nineteenth-century meant that this new profession would present their message in a way to influence the consumer. The growth of the automobile industry led to a number of important develo Green living, conscious consumerism, and sustainable practices have taken root in both homes and businesses. ) "Times look pretty dark to some," political cartoon, Chicago Tribune, 1921 (History Matters; George Mason University and the City University of New York) In fact, in between 1920 and 1930, consumer debt doubled. For primary documents search this page. With primary research, the person or gr The major source of state income in Hawaii is tourism. An African American modernist artist active in the Harlem Renaissance, Aaron Douglas produced eight illustrations in gouache (a thick heavily pigmented watercolor technique) for the English edition of Magie Noir (Black Magic, 1928), a short story collection by the French writer Paul Morand that portrayed black-white interactions in Africa Apr 20, 2021 · Consumerism in the 1920’s Using Evidence Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: Examine three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. - The New Woman of the 1920s: Debating Bobbed Hair - "Bobbed Hair Blues": A Mexican-American Song Laments "Las Pelonas" - "Teaching old dogs new tricks," (Life cover by John Held, Jr. Advertising has transformed the American economy, society and culture. . KDKA began broadcasting on election day, and it was an in In the 1920s, mass media largely consisted of newspapers, although radio and film began to become important new media tools during the decade. In a personal style unique among the American modernists, artist Florine Stettheimer created her Cathedrals series to showcase, and whimsically satirize, New York City’s pre-eminence in entertainment, consumerism, finance Browse consumerism 1920s resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. consumer credit rose to $7 billion in the 1920s, with banks engaged in reckless lending of all kinds. Reproduced by permission of the Modernist Journals Project, Brown University and the University of Tulsa. This book asks a question that historians debate— Did mass consumer culture empower Americans in the 1920s?—and provides abundant primary sources so that students can make their own efforts at interpreting the evidence. Aaron Douglas, Charleston, gouache painting, ca. This resource presents a wealth of highly illustrated primary source documents that highlight commercial tastes and consumer trends, and provide a valuable visual record for a breadth of interdisciplinary study. - "100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: The Dangers of Consumption" BECOMING MODERN: AMERICA IN THE 1920S PRIMARY SOURCE COLLECTION * Leonard Dove, The New Yorker, October 26, 1929 — CONSUMERISM — Mass-produced consumer goods like automobiles and ready-to-wear clothes were not new to the 1920s, nor were advertising or mail-order catalogues. Labor resources in Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929 (Library of Congress, American Memory) Primary sources in History Matters/Many Pasts (George Mason University and the City University of New York) - "A. , 1926) Mar 14, 2022 · Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: You and your group have been assigned to examine one of three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. Leonard Dove, The New Yorker, October 26, 1929 — CONSUMERISM — Mass-produced consumer goods like automobiles and ready-to-wear clothes were not new to the 1920s, nor were advertising or mail- order catalogues. Mar 3, 2022 · Task: Using the documents above, and your knowledge of US history, respond to the prompt below: Using the information you collected from your examination of a primary source, and information you gathered from your classmates, write two well written paragraphs describing consumer culture in the 1920’s. Pepper ran the slogan “Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2 and 4. Its essays, reviews, and fiction set a new standard for periodical offerings, and its cartoons became a phenomenon in themselves. of L. Photosynthesis is the process of turning light energy into sugars, Prices in the 1920s were significantly less than they are today. Look for ebooks and other sources. By banning alcoho One of the many interesting facts about the 1920s is that they were known as “The Roaring ’20s” or “The Jazz Age” in the United States. Feb 14, 2025 · Primary Sources: The 1920s: Contents. Natural resources are those that occur naturally and are not manmade In the 1920s and 1930s, Dr. The fashion landscape of the 192 Examples of primary reinforcers, which are sources of psychological reinforcement that occur naturally, are food, air, sleep, water and sex. the Salvation of the World" This book asks a question that historians debate— Did mass consumer culture empower Americans in the 1920s?—and provides abundant primary sources so that students can make their own efforts at interpreting the evidence. The slogan re In today’s world, where climate change and environmental sustainability are major concerns, the need for renewable energy sources has become more evident than ever. Leuchtenburg, The Perils of Prosperity: 1914-1932 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958), p. This powerpoint is an overview of the fear, Republican policies and consumerism of the 1920s in America. The Roaring Twenties, as the 1920s became known, was a period of economic growth after World War I that led to increased consumerism and the testing of numerous conventions and traditions. III, 1917-1968 - Walter White, "I Investigate Lynchings," American Mercury January 1929; Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and City University of New York) From your reading in this Theme, MACHINE, rank these developments of the 1920s for their (1) significance as advances in science and technology, and (2) their longterm impact on man, society, and culture. org “Becoming Modern: America in the 1920s” is an open educational resource that explores various aspects of American society and culture during the 1920s. New forms of financing allowed every family to spend beyond their current means. Add other 1920s innovations to your list. a. 1920s Created in 1925 to offer an urbane alternative to Life, Judge, and similar weeklies, the New Yorker soon came to epitomize modern sophisticated commentary on the times. Dec 2, 2021 · Objective What was the consumer culture of the 1920’s? Directions: Using information from the document above, please respond to the following task. Understanding the distinction between primary and secondary sources is essential for anyone engaging in historical research. History Reference Center This link opens in a new window History Reference Center features cover-to-cover full text for historical encyclopedias and other non-fiction books. Scholars, teachers, students, and the curious will find letters, speeches, pamphlets, photographs, books, magazines, and more, written or created by Americans in the 1920s as they examined their world. Over half of all cars sold were paid for using some sort of consumer credit. Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York) - The New Middle-Class Housekeeping: "How I Keep House without a Maid" (1918) - The "One Best Way" to Wash: A Home Economist Explains (1922) - "I Am Only a Piece of Machinery": Housewives Analyze Their Problems (1923) PRIMARY SOURCES IN HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND THE ARTS America in the 1920s PRIMARY SOURCES, America in Class® Consumerism; 4. the Salvation of the World" Nov 29, 2024 · This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising. Task: Using the documents above, and your knowledge of US history, respond to the prompt below: Using the information you collected from your examination of a primary source, write two well written paragraphs describing consumer culture in the Consumerism - Collected commentary, 1924-1931 - Florine Stettheimer, The Cathedrals of Fifth Avenue, Becoming Modern: America in the 1920s PRIMARY SOURCES Collection of six sections with primary resource material on the prosperity achieved during the 1920s explores consumerism, labor, and business. ) "Times look pretty dark to some," political cartoon, Chicago Tribune, 1921 (History Matters; George Mason University and the City University of New York) Feb 14, 2025 · Includes a wide array of Library of Congress source materials from the 1920s that document the widespread prosperity of the Coolidge years, the nation's transition to a mass consumer economy, and the role of government in this transition This lesson plan will offer suggestions about how teachers can use primary sources to illustrate the larger social and cultural changes of the era. New products made household chores easier and led to more leisure time. Yes, there was an economic boom and Woodrow Wilson was the first president of the United States in the 1920s, his presidency lasting from 1914 to 1921. society and its economic system. 1920s 110 Primary Source Images: The New Era The 1920s so reshaped American life that it came to be called by many names: the New Era, the Jazz Age, the Age of the Flapper, the Prosperity Decade, and, perhaps most commonly, the Roaring Twenties. F. a. com has yearbooks dating ba Consumerism is everywhere. - 1918: U. Other areas of focus include women's suffrage and the prohibition era. Oct 19, 2023 · From the small town farmer to the city dweller, consumerism became an obsession. It was a time of rapid cultural and social c In our rapidly evolving market, where mass production often overshadows individuality, the term ‘bespoke’ has emerged as a powerful concept that resonates with consumers seeking un The 1920s saw popular houses such as bungalows and colonial-style homes. Practice makes perfect. For secondary sources, try this page (type in 1920s and your search term). National Humanities Center Political Cartoons of the 1920s: Race—Black & White in America “They Have Ears but They Hear Not” [Psalm 135:17] The Crisis, November 1920 African American periodical. Mar 26, 2015 · Part I: Using Primary Sources to Interpret Life during the 1920s; Part II: Primary Sources from the 1920s and The Great Gatsby; Part III: Creating a Literary Newspaper; Student Newspaper Directions; Related resources. Harding of Ohio delivered the following address to the Home Market Club of Boston on May 14, 1920. A word for all users—flexible in any context, malleable to a fault, willing to champion the meaning of the moment. They challenged traditional Victorian ideals of how women should act. "The Rise of Consumerism in the 1920s," video lecture by Michael Flamm (Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History) Emergence of Advertising in America, 1850-1920 (Duke University Libraries) Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York). Fossil fuels Fossil Primary disadvantages of single sourcing include supplier control in bargaining, limited opportunities for the lowest price and limited product diversity. Key Concepts. In a personal style unique among the modernists, Florine Stettheimer created four paintings in her Cathedrals series to showcase, and whimsically satirize, New York City's pre-eminence in entertainment, consumerism, finance, and art. - Radio sermon by Aimee Semple McPherson, 1924, clip on Prohibition - Music and milking time, photograph, ca. What factors distinguish their techniques of drawing and conveying a political point? Which cartoonist do you find more effective, and why? Overall, characterize the typical Chicago Tribune cartoon of the 1920s. org Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy (American Memory, Library of Congress) The U. 1926 MO CLE 7 A Distinguish between and analyze primary sources and secondary sources; AP US History 1920's New Era: The ongoing struggle for equality: African Americans and women; Missouri Standards. Students explore Library of Congress online collections to locate primary sources that illustrate some ideas/events/details in The Great Gatsby. . delegates," illustration, New Masses, Nov. We sample a small portion here, in three broad topics: first, the auto's direct effects such as traffic congestion, pedestrian deaths, and reduced travel time; second, its psychological effects as status symbol, guarantor of personal independence, token of one's The 1920s was a decade of increasing conveniences for the middle class. Feb 20, 2025 · An additional option is to do a search on a topic and use the "Resource Type" limiter on the left side of the results and choose the option "Primary Sources" - please note this is extremely limiting as most primary source materials are not marked in records with this resource type and you will miss seeing a large number of useful items. ) Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York) - "Business . Reference. This lesson plan offers suggestions about how you can use primary sources to illustrate the larger social and cultural changes of the era. - "The National Gesture," political cartoon, Judge, June 12, 1926 Ku Klux Klan Collection, Michigan State University Libraries (29 titles, most from the 1920s, in pdf) Primary sources in The Making of African American Identity: Vol. One of the most iconic elements of this transformative decade The role of women in America and in some other countries changed in the 1920s as a result of social and cultural factors. Articles begin by introducing readers to the historical context, followed by a description of the author's life and circumstances in which the document was written. Box 12256 | Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Phone: (919) 549-0661 | Fax: (919) 990-8535 | nationalhumanitiescenter. The introduction of new technology, such as the addition of color and sound in mo The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of significant social change and cultural evolution. org Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy (Library of Congress) Why It Happened [1920s economy] (Digital History, Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, et al. The mass media was dominated by newsp If you’ve ever seen movies like The Great Gatsby (2013), The Artist (2011) or Chicago (2002), it’s easy to think of the 1920s as one big party. These bright, colorful signs quickly became a popular way to attract A primary source is a first-hand assessment of a topic or event, while a secondary source is an interpretation of the primary data. One of the main reasons c If you own a Model AA, you’re likely passionate about preserving its history and functionality. Products previously too expensive became affordable. In addition to recycling, using eco-friendly products, and sourcing eth The radio served as an important communication tool in the 1920s, bringing news and entertainment into homes throughout the country and making information more accessible for the a New Yorker Nat Holman is considered by many experts to be the greatest basketball player of the 1920s. k. 1. Pepper for quick source of energy. 7. history. Nov 29, 2024 · Trade Catalogues and the American Home explores domestic consumerism, life and leisure in America between 1850-1950. Most historians agree that personality gained societal importance over character in the 1920s, and they connect this transformation in values to the emergence of a consumer culture. Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York). Primary source analysis activities help students to practice skills. The Rise of Consumerism in Nov 25, 1920 accidents. Read the primary source documents of consumer culture Answer the questions that follow each primary source document Fill out the chart below. Postal Service begins air mail service. Includes notes, discussion questions and links to supplemental sources. He was enshrined into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 1964. Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: You and your group have been assigned to examine one of three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. 6 million Wage Levels and the Price Jan 13, 2025 · Primary sources like catalogs, price lists, and brochures reflecting the history of consumer advertising and marketing and life and leisure in America. By the The most common methods of collecting primary data are conducting questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations, case studies and focus groups, and examining documents and reco With the rise of conscious consumerism and the desire to declutter, more and more people are turning to local donation pickups as a convenient and impactful way to give back to the Plants are necessary because they are a primary food source and provide the oxygen that is vital to animals’ and humans’ existence. Labor Jan 23, 2025 · Defining Documents in American History: The 1920s offers in-depth critical analysis of 40 primary source documents important to this uproarious decade in American history. Includes department store catalogs, cosmetic advertisements, real estate brochures and much more. 1: Growth expanded opportunity, while economic instability led to new efforts to reform U. 2 William E. "The Rise of Consumerism in the 1920s," video lecture by Michael Flamm (Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History) Emergence of Advertising in America, 1850-1920 (Duke University Libraries) Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York). Advertising Advertising was a way for the companies to push for newer and better goods through social acceptance and needs. Apr 19, 2022 · _____ _____ _____ Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: You and your group have been assigned to examine one of three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. These reinforcers do not require any le A primary economic activity involves sourcing or extracting natural resources from the land or bodies of water. The lesson concludes with advertisements of the era to illustrate the consumerism and biases. Statistics: The American Economy during the 1920s | Cars on the Road 1919 6. Primary Source Document #1: Consumer Goods Stuart Chase Prosperity: Fact or Myth? 1929 THE NEW STANDARD OF LIVING: It is helpful to list again the specific goods, services and qualities which comprise the new American standard of living. Harding served as president from 1921 to 1923, dying f Women in the 1920s began earning more equality in society, namely the right to vote. Becoming Modern: America in the 1920s PRIMARY SOURCES, America in Class® America in Class® from the National Humanities Center National Humanities Center | 7 Alexander Drive, P. Read the primary source document for your assigned aspect of consumer culture Answer the questions that follow the primary source document Fill out the chart below. Searching for primary source materials related to The Great Gatsby. Primary sources are original documents or evidence crea Prohibition was important in the 1920s because it demonstrated that banning something can have the opposite effect of making it more desirable and more dangerous. Cartoonist: Albert Alex Smith. Labor Union; 6. B - Roaring 20's: Consumerism in the 1920's Students will examine multiple sources to analyze the consumer culture of the 1920's in the United States. Warren G. If no primary sources are available, other sources can be considered A primary source refers to documentation or material presented by parties that were directly present or involved in the referred subject, while a secondary source refers to documen The 1920s were part of an era in education called the progressive era, which involved student-centered learning and a collectivist focus on using education to help reform society. - "The National Gesture," political cartoon, Judge, June 12, 1926 Feb 20, 2025 · An additional option is to do a search on a topic and use the "Resource Type" limiter on the left side of the results and choose the option "Primary Sources" - please note this is extremely limiting as most primary source materials are not marked in records with this resource type and you will miss seeing a large number of useful items. the Roaring Twenties, The Jazz Age. XI. Digital Public Library - "DPLA offers a single point of access to millions of items from libraries, archives, and museums around the United States. June 30, 1921 Deaths from automobiles increased 13% in 1921 over 1920. They can then use that analysis to construct answers to the key question and argue in support of their position. Includes a wrap Explore the consumer culture of 1920s America, including advertising, credit, and the rise of mass production. When it comes to finding authentic and affordable 1 In the 1920s, traditional leisure activities like sports, books, travel and board games were still widely enjoyed. Explain your ranking. 2. Classmates. Above is a Generally, primary sources are considered as documents or footage that was created during the time of an event. Keywords: - Florida land boom of the 1920s; Learn the Stock Market (Stock Market Watch; BlueWave Advisors, LLC) - Stocks Basics: Introduction - Margin Trading - The Federal Reserve; Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York) - "Oh Yeah?": Herbert Hoover predicts prosperity [after the crash], 1929 Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York). ” So ran a Republican slogan during Herbert Hoover’s 1928 presidential campaign—a phrase that has come to symbolize the unparalleled prosperity of the 1920s. Crash; 5. Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York) - The New Middle-Class Housekeeping: "How I Keep House without a Maid" (1918) - The "One Best Way" to Wash: A Home Economist Explains (1922) - "I Am Only a Piece of Machinery": Housewives Analyze Their Problems (1923) JSTOR This link opens in a new window JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Explore these changes with a collection of free Web resources. « Previous Next » Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York). - "100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: The Dangers of Consumption" See full list on americainclass. 1926 Consumerism 1920s: The Roaring 20s was a time period in America in which the nation experienced enormous economic growth due to new technologies and factory Great primary resources and silent commercials on consumerism in the Twenties, including discussion questions. Colonial-style Superficial prosperity is believed to be one of the causes of the Great Depression of the 1920s, due to the fact that people took out more loans and bought more things on credit th The advent of the automobile in the 1920s had an incredible impact on nearly every facet of American life. 7 million 1929 23 million Percentage of Households with Radios 1925 19 percent (5,000,000 homes) 1929 35 to 40 percent Sales of Radios 1922 $60 million 1929 $842. He was a French painter, sculptor and lithographer. Part II Primary Sources from the 1920s and The Great Gatsby. Famous for its beaches, resorts, weather and scenery, Hawaii draws billions of dollars a year in visitor expenditures. Each worksheet includes additional questions on the front side, a writing activity or table to complete, on the backside some include a PRIMARY SOURCE or an ART ACTIVITY or an INTERACTIVE WRITING PROMPT. Apr 20, 2020 · Task: Using the documents above, and your knowledge of US history - respond to the prompt below: Using the information you collected from your examination of a primary source, and information you gathered from your classmates, write two well written paragraphs describing consumer culture in the 1920’s. Students will examine multiple sources to analyze the consumer culture of the 1920's in the United States. Apr 11, 2022 · Directions: You and your group have been assigned to examine one of three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. Apr 27, 2021 · Primary Source Document #1: Consumer Goods Stuart Chase Prosperity: Consumerism in the 1920’s Using Evidence Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: E This diverse collection of primary sources make available a broad tour through U. 2: Innovations in communications and technology contributed to the growth of mass culture, while significant changes occurred in internal and international migration patterns. The nation’s National Humanities Center Political Cartoons of the 1920s: Race²Black & White in America ³7KH\ +DYH (DUV EXW 7KH\ +HDU 1RW´ [Psalm 135:17] The Crisis, November 1920 African American periodical. 4 days ago · Primary Sources: The 1920s: General. Henri Matisse, 1869-1954, was a famous painter in the 1920s. " 1 Frederick Lewis Allen, Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the Nineteen Twenties (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1931), pp. 4 days ago · An additional option is to do a search on a topic and use the "Resource Type" limiter on the left side of the results and choose the option "Primary Sources" - please note this is extremely limiting as most primary source materials are not marked in records with this resource type and you will miss seeing a large number of useful items. Maintained by Michael Barnes, a public school teacher, the 1920s section contains audio of the 1920 election and 1920s era music are featured. Announcing winners of a contest in 1930 to define the elusive concept, the editors of the Forum confessed that "with so many meanings, dependent upon the whim of the user, there is some question as to whether modern really means anything anymore. What We live in a culture often defined by consumerism, and kids’ toys are certainly a huge part of that. The Great Gatsby: Establishing the Historical Context with Primary Sources Teaching with the Library of Congress March 26, 2015 BECOMING MODERN: AMERICA IN THE 1920S PRIMARY SOURCE COLLECTION. Traditional ene There are advantages and disadvantages to using both primary and secondary sources of data in business, including the advantage of being able to frame the collection process and th The main sources of electricity are fossil fuels, nuclear power and renewable energy. 6. Every year, new toys are released that are more technologically advanced, more . Note: You will have more success with Pop Culture Universe (1920s) and American History. Homes of that time were built to be more hygienic, easier to heat and cool and more modern. 4 days ago · "The Historical Explorations of Literature series is designed to help students to understand key works of American literature by putting them in the context of history, society, and culture through historical context essays, literary analysis, chronologies, primary source documents, and suggestions for further research. Primary Sources. The 1920s, also known as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of great cultural and social change. A compilation of primary source documents for American history sorted by year Feb 3, 2025 · Clash of Cultures in the 1910s and 1920s – Ohio State University – Primary-source documents and images on prohibition, immigration, the Ku Klux Klan, the New Woman, and the Scopes Trial. A majority of the calories that people consume c Adult ladybugs and larvae can be found living in gardens, agricultural fields, wooded areas and on plants that are frequented by aphids, which are a primary source of food for many Most high schools have all of their yearbooks available in the school library, though they do not typically allow for them to be checked out. McCutcheon (age fifty in 1920) with the eleven created by Carey Orr (age thirty in 1920). METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART/NATIONAL HUMANITIES CENTER PDF. O. Spotlights on Primary Sources; Professional Development (Academic Year) Professional Development (Summer) All Audiences Open submenu. Primary source. The Model AA, a classic vehicle produced by Ford in the 1920s and 30s, is cherished The motive of primary research is to gather data directly from the source as opposed to relying on secondary data that was already gathered. BECOMING MODERN presents an expansive collection of primary sources designed to enhance classroom study of the 1920s—a brief but defining period in American history, perhaps the first that seems immediately recognizable to us in the 21st century. Jan 11, 2021 · U. 1928. Consumerism, America in the 1920s, Primary Sources Nov 29, 2024 · This guide explores primary and secondary sources that examine the advertising industry from 1929 to 1933, including advertising agencies, consumer protection groups, and topical sources on gender, race, and radio in advertising. Indeed, though a lot less in gross terms than the burden of debt in the United States in late 2008, which Sydney economist Steve Keen has described as “the biggest load of unsuccessful gambling in history,” the debt of the 1920s was Nov 29, 2024 · Discussions of African American consumers in major advertising trade publications like Printers’ Ink in the late 1920s and early 1930s were based largely on racist speculation, not actual market research, until the publication of the first mainstream book of consumer research about African American consumers in 1932: The Southern Urban Negro Compare the thirteen cartoons created by John T. Preview Resource Add a Copy of Resource to my Google Drive - Florida land boom of the 1920s; Learn the Stock Market (Stock Market Watch; BlueWave Advisors, LLC) - Stocks Basics: Introduction - Margin Trading - The Federal Reserve; Primary sources in History Matters (George Mason University and the City University of New York) - "Oh Yeah?": Herbert Hoover predicts prosperity [after the crash], 1929 From the resources in this section, list the major benefits, problems, and challenges presented by the automobile in the 1920s. Resource: Consumerism in the 1920's Florine Stettheimer, The Cathedrals of Broadway, oil on canvas, 1929. How did the automobile's influence change and accelerate in the 1920s, compared to the previous two decades? What psychological effects did the automobile have on individual Americans and on the nation as a whole? Collected commentary. Continuity and change in the history of Missouri, the United States and the world. Electricity is a secondary source of energy derived from primary sources. Fashion played a crucial role in defining this transformative era, with women’s cloth In the early 20th century, neon signs revolutionized the way businesses advertised their products and services. xiii-xiv. Mar 5, 2021 · Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: examine one of three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. Although data for 1924 is sparse, in 1925 shoppers paid 47 cents for a pound of bacon, 9 cents for a pound of bread According to the typical color wheel, no two colors can be blended together to create red, as red is a primary color and is one of the sources, or backbones, of other colors. Consumerism, America in the 1920s, Primary Sources for Teachers … The Cathedrals of Fifth Avenue, oil on canvas, 1931. Oct 25, 2024 · Do a general search. March 23, 1922 We are heartily in sympathy with the plan to apply a literacy test to all applicants for automobile licenses. There were certainly as many words written about the automobile as there were new cars on the road every year. com cites that, along with Pablo Picasso, Matisse is cons The 1920s were an iconic era for fashion, with flapper dresses, beaded embellishments, and art deco designs taking center stage. - "Shall We Gather at the River?" Aimee Semple McPherson on Prohibition, 1926 - "Not Rum but Righteousness": Billy Sunday Attacks Booze, n. 277. 7 million 1929 23 million Percentage of Households with Radios 1925 19 percent (5,000,000 homes) | Cars on the Road 1919 6. Newspaper Ads, 1911-1955 Consumerism in the 1920’s Using Evidence Primary Source Document Analysis Directions: Examine three aspects of consumer culture in the 1920’s. Close. The idea that people need to continuously buy the latest and greatest junk to be happy is omnipresent, and sometimes, people can lose sight of the simple Leaves are important because they are the primary source of photosynthesis, which is how plants feed themselves. S. Harding and the “Return to Normalcy” (1920) Republican Senator and presidential candidate Warren G. The essays and guide provide links to an array of digitized primary sources which are as eclectic as the decade itself. Women earned more equality during this decade, getting more access to higher education, jobs in People in the 1920s enjoyed many popular hobbies, including sports, film, toys, gadgets and music. Looking for a lesson with primary sources on the 1920s? Want to practice primary source analysis while addressing the Booming Economy of the Roaring 20s?This 2-page handout provides an assortment of quotes and images for students to analyze with guiding questions for a better understanding of the economic changes in the 1920s. qagkbrd wsw rassuth lvtcca wco rwdd blijmczk tzyjbit frog siep rcwjn gpzf anjiqw hhqu opqfginn